Do I have to make an appointment for a live telemedicine visit?

Yes, we are scheduling appointments so that our dermatologists can treat you during the hours when they are available.

How do I make a live teledermatology appointment?

To book your live teledermatology appointment, call us at (970) 800-8330 or visit our online scheduling and pick a time and date that works for you.

Do I have to download an “app” in order to connect with my doctor?

You do not have to download any special program or app.  You will receive a text message or email with a link to your provider’s virtual waiting room.  At the time of your visit, simply click on the link and wait for your doctor to connect with you.

What kind of device do I need to connect?

You can use any computer or device with a microphone and camera (smart phone, iPad/tablet). Wi-Fi or cellular service is necessary to connect.

Will I be able to get my prescription refilled?

Yes, your medical provider will electronically send your prescription to your preferred pharmacy.

Will my provider be able to see my skin problem and make a diagnosis?

You may be asked to send in a picture of your skin lesion, spot or rash.  Your provider will direct you how to do this as there are a number of options available.

Will my insurance cover my live telemedicine visit?

Insurance carriers have indicated that live telemedicine visits will be covered. Please contact your insurance company to verify.

Will I have a co-pay or coinsurance?

This is dependent on your particular coverage.  We will bill all visits to your insurance company and you will be billed for any applicable deductibles, co-pays or co-insurance amounts.