Wound Care

  • Instructions
    • After surgery, go home and take it easy. Minimize bending or other exertion for two days.
    • After two days, remove the dressing. Clean the wound with soap and water, apply a generous amount of vaseline or aquaphor, a nonstick bandage (i.e., Telfa) and Hypafix or paper tape.
    • Repeat these instructions twice daily until the wound has completely healed (at least 2 weeks).
  • Pain

    Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen as directed for mild pain. For moderate to severe pain, take the prescription pain medication as directed.

  • Bleeding

    If bleeding, apply direct constant pressure to the area for 20 minutes. Time it! Repeated “peeking to see if the bleeding is stopped” will only allow the bleeding to continue. If the bandage is saturated it may be replaced.

  • Swelling

    Use ice packs for 15 minutes at a time, once per hour. A bag of frozen peas or other vegetable can be used. Swelling at the site may take months for final resolution. The cold packs are useful for the first day or two.

  • Bruising

    Bruising may take 10-14 days to completely resolve. If you develop a hematoma or severe bruising, it may take longer.

  • Scarring

    The best scar creams are silicone based. We recommend silagen gel (100% silicone) twice daily after you stop bandaging or silicone gel sheets worn over the scar for at least 12 hours per day.

Supplies Needed

  • Cleaning

    Mild soap and water.

  • Ointment

    Vaseline, Aquaphor or Vaniply.

  • Bandaging

    Non-stick bandages (brand name: Telfa), paper tape or Hypafix. Traditional Band-aids can be used if the site is small.